
Monday, January 1, 2018

Ringing in 2018

It is New Year's Day and the year is 2018.  As I toasted Cody last night, I asked him what is resolution was, and his only reply was to "stay healthy."

Bipolar disorder sucks.  I would be lying to say it wasn't my prayer every night and morning.  I write it in church on the prayer dedications, and ask my family to do the same.  The health of my husband, my children's dad, is my top priority.  It is the element in our lives that affects our lives the most; and that is considering we have a child with a significant developmental delay/disability.

There is no doubt in my mind we would not be here without faith in God.  Cody's faith has been shaky, but mind has never been.  I also know we have an army praying for us.  Cody's family is Mormon and mine is Catholic, and all the people who pray for us are in my mind, the sole reason our marriage has made it in spite of a daughter with special needs and my husband with a severe mental disability.

After 2 manic/pyschotic episodes in the past two years, I want to try and stop waiting for the other shoe to drop.  I just want to enjoy the present moment.  Love my husband while he is well.  Enjoy this moment for what it is.  Tomorrow is never guaranteed.  I want to be the best mom to my kids.  I want them to grow up in a home where their parents were together.

This 2018, I pray for a year of wellness. We take for granted so much our  health until we don't have it, and regardless of wealth, career, or social status, our lives our nothing without our health.

Dear Lord I pray that 2018 be a year of health for my family.  For my husband, my daughter, my son, and for myself.  This I pray,

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